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A Versatile Form Of Tobacco Is Now Called Shisha

Shisha most commonly known as Hookah or Hooka is turning into an irresistible passion among smokers. Despite of the age or gender, it’s something that none can’t resist.

  • Hookahs are water pipes used to burn a special type of tobacco.
  • The exact origin of Shisha is unclear, but it is said to be invented by an Indian Physician in the 16th century.
  • Coal, wood, or charcoal is burned in the Shisha pipe to produce smoke.
  • Other names for Shishaare, Hookah narghile, argileh, hubble-bubble, and goza.

Shisha comes in different flavors, universally popular among them are:

Shisha and Its Popularity Around The World

Without any doubts, Shisha is taking over the world with its flavorful pleasure. The thick clouds and soft fragrance together makes the overall experience tempting. The richness of flavor drives people to get indulged in the fascinating sessions. According to an estimation, 100 million people worldwide consume tobacco from a hookah. The consumption has been sky rocketed over the course of a decade as its popularity increases.

· Shisha, which was only popular in Asian countries, is gaining popularity worldwide, including India, Canada, Britain, France, Russia, the Middle East, and the United States, especially among youth.

· According to a survey in India, 27% consume Shisha, with 5% of students consuming Shisha daily.

· In Canada in 2012-2013, 14.3 % of students were reported using a hookah, 5.4 % reported using a Shisha in the last 30 days, and 2.7 % reported using a flavored Shisha over the previous 30 days.

· The past-year prevalence of Shisha use among twelfth-grade students in the U.S. has increased from 17.1% in 2010 to 21.4% in 2013, with a 3.1% increase from 2012–2013 alone (Johnston, O’Malley, Bachman, & Schulenberg, 2013). Similar results were found in High school and undergraduate students in the USA.

Shisha Smoking Compared To Cigarette Smoking. Which Is More Dangerous?

There is a common misconception among Shishas smokers that it is not harmful or less harmful than a cigarette. In contrast, the truth is that smoking Shisha is as detrimental to human health as cigarettes. Research showed that 97% of university students think Shisha is not addictive and can quit smoking Shisha whenever they want.

  • Hookahs contain nicotine, which is an ingredient in cigarettes, so hookahs are as addictive as cigarettes.
  • The tobacco in hookahs is exposed to high heat from burning charcoal, and the smoke is at least as toxic as cigarette smoke.
  • Because of how a Shisha is used, smokers may absorb more of the toxic substances found in cigarette smoke than cigarette smokers do.
    • An hour-long Shisha smoking session involves 200 puffs while smoking an average cigarette involves 20 puffs. [8]
    • The amount of smoke inhaled during a typical Shisha session is about 90,000 milliliters (ml), compared with 500–600 ml inhaled when smoking a cigarette.
  • Shisha smokers may be at risk for some of the same diseases as cigarette smokers. These include: Oral cancer
    • Lung cancer
    • Stomach cancer
    • Cancer of the esophagus
    • Reduced lung function
    • Decreased fertility

Shisha is Not a Healthy Alternate of Cigarettes. Health Hazards of Hookah

  • The charcoal used to heat tobacco in hookahs can increase carbon monoxide production, metals that can cause cancer.
  • Shisha tobacco and smoke are known to produce such toxic gases that cause lung, bladder, and especially oral cancer because the juice from hookahs irritates the mouth.
  • Shisha also increases the risk of a heart attack due to toxic agents present in it.
  • Long-term effects include impaired pulmonary function, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, oesophageal cancer, and gastric cancer.

· One hour-long Shisha session can deliver 50 liters (approx. 30 gallons) of smoke, whereas a cigarette delivers only 0.5 liters of smoke. [9]

· Babies born to Shisha addicts are at higher risk of respiratory diseases.

Shisha Addicts and Shisha Cafes in the USA

The rate of smoking in the USA, according to a report by Center for Disease Control and Prevention, has been cut down to half in the past 40 years. In 1965, about 425 adults were regular smokers. By 2003 the rate was about 22% only. The consumption of Shisha is increasing with every passing hour.

· In 2015 pas 30days use of Shisha was higher (16%) than cigarettes (12%).

· Data collected in 2013-2014 by National Adult Tobacco Survey (NATS) showed that 20.2% of 18-24 years old consume Shisha daily, weekly, or monthly.

· Due to the rapid increase in Shisha users in the USA, cafes that served coffee and tea are turning into Shisha lounges or Shisha bars where the customer sits, and Shisha is served to them. Normally a Shisha session last for about 30-90 minutes.


With this increase, new flavors are being invented every other day. The smokers are entertained with innovative combinations and that’s what is keeping the cafes crowded all the time. The consumption is seen to increase specially during the holiday or festive seasons when Shisha lovers find it to the perfect time to cheer up with friends. Witnessing long sessions of unending shisha gatherings become normal and the air gets mixed with a fruity mist.

Who Is More Into Shisha Smoking, Men Or Women?

Smoking whether it’s a cigarette or a shisha takes the shape of a habit that one cannot resist. It originates for many different reasons. Where some finds it soothing to get distracted from the daily hassles of life others find amusement and relaxation in it. However, the shisha consumption differs in both the two genders. Men and women consume Shisha for different reasons; similarly, it affects their health differently.

· According to a survey, out of 151, half of the country’s similar number of men and women consume tobacco.

· According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 200 million of the world’s one billion tobacco consumers are women

· Approximately 1.5 million women every year from direct/pipe tobacco use.

What Does the USA Law Say About Hookah Consumption?

In 2016, the FDA finalized a rule extending their regulatory authority to cover all tobacco products, including hookah tobacco. FDA regulates the manufacture, import, packaging, labeling, advertising, promotion, sale, and distribution of hookah tobacco.

· States with smoke-free laws, surprisingly, give exemption to shisha cafes. For example, a study conducted in 2015 found that hookah is exempted in 24 states with smoke-free laws.

· A review of smoke-free laws in the 100 largest U.S. cities found that 69 of the 73 cities that prohibit cigarette smoking in bars had exemptions for hookah use.


Shisha trend evolved with time. For those, who cannot resist it, should look for a safer solution. Herbal Shisha, having lesser concertation of tobacco is a great option to go for. You can even try to make flavors on your own. Try blending differ flavors together and fuse up a new one. However, you have to keep a certain ratio while mixing. All over the world, Shisha is now getting accepted as its side effects are minimal. Hookah is given more value over cigarette due to being safe and light on lungs. Moreover, the best thing about Shisha is that it gives soothes down the tobacco craving without effecting organs severely.